
Hi~ I am Yusen Zhang, a third-year CS PhD student at Penn State University, advised by Dr. Rui Zhang. I received my master’s degree from Emory University, advised by Dr. Jinho D. Choi. Before that, I received my bachelor’s degree from Beijing Institute of Technology. When I was in Beijing, I interned at Big Data Mining Group, Microsoft Research Asia where I started my research on NLP.


My research interests lie in applying Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing, focusing on Natural Language Generation. Specifically I am interested in the following research topics:

        Agentic, executable Large Language Models.
        Trust worthy, controllable document and dialogue text summarization.
        Language Generation Evaluation and applications.

I am open to academic collaborations and please drop me an email if you are interested in collaborating with me.


[2024.3] Got one paper accepted at NAACL 2024. Thanks to all my collaborators!

[2023.8] Got one paper accepted at EMNLP 2023. Thanks Nan Zhang and other collaborators!

[2023.8] Start Student Researcher Internship at Cloud AI Team @ Google Research, advised by Dr. Ruoxi Sun!

[2023.5] Got one paper accepted at ACL 2023. Thanks to all my collaborators!

[2023.4] Oral talk at MASC-SLL 2023 at Georgetown Mason University (Arlington campus)!

[2023.2] Got one paper accepted at TACL 2023 (acceptance type (a) accepted as is, ~= 5%!). Thanks to all my collaborators!

[2022.12] Give a talk at Westlate NLP on Controllable Text Summarization. Thanks for having me!

[2022.7] Receive Dr. Tse-Yun Feng Graduate Student Award @ PSU CSE. Thanks everyone!

[2022.6] Start Applied Scientist Internship at AWS AI lab @ Amazon Web Service, advised by Dr. Xiaofei Ma!

[2022.2] Got two papers accepted at ACL 2022. Thanks to all my collaborators!

[2022.2] Start Research Internship at Cognitive Service Research Group @ Microsoft Research, advised by Dr. Yang Liu.

[2021.8] Got two papers accepted at EMNLP 2021. Thanks to all my collaborators!

[2021.8] Started my PhD study at NLP Lab @ Penn State. I am fortunate to be supervised by Prof. Rui Zhang!

[2021.5] Got one paper accepted at ACL 2021. Thanks to all my collaborators!

[2021.1] Started to work as a research assistant at Lily Lab @ Yale University, advised by Dr. Dragomir Radev.